Monday, March 2, 2009

Telling Tales: The Nature of Storytelling: Aesop's Fables

* Conflicting ideas: each situation requires a different approach
* No tales are to do with morality
* No tales are politically correct
- Times change; so does what is and what is not deemed to be acceptable
- Some stories are dropped from editions because they are offensive eg Hermes' wagon distributing wickedness: Arabs plundered it which is why there is no word in their language for 'truth'

*'morals' of story = survival & wit
Morals change according to society:
- Victorian boy cries wolf - boy gets eaten
- Modern boy cries wolf - boy gets told off for fibbing

HUBRIS - Arrogance (pride comes before a fall etc)
ANTHROPOMORPHISM - Attribution of human characteristics to animals
DIDACTIC MORAL - 'didactic' - to instruct

Candle and Darning needle = analysis of post-industrial Denmark. Needle = pathetic need to be optimistic - social betterment- self made man etc etc. Needle = one eye = cyclops = blinkered. Loses eye later in story, therefore blind.

EMBEDDING: needle telling story to a piece of glass about fingers. Not just her who is proud.

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