Monday, March 2, 2009


Louis XIV 1670 - 1730
1830 - Afa'nas'ev dedicated his life to collecting russian fairytales like the grims, but determined to write them down faithfully and not change and/or embellish them like the Grimms. Not so much of a writer as a folklorist

Ending of crystal mountain and the golden slipper = 'pay me!' because it is embarrassing to have to ask for money, he makes a joke of it.

Magic objects are basic - eg a shirt, shoe, etc. not rings and lamps like 1001 nights.

frog princess = animal lover

tom thumb - went it up as he went along with well known tropes

ALL: fantasies are about basic wants/needs.

VLADIMIR DROPP- Morphology of the folk tale

parts of a whole and how the parts combine to make the whole.

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